Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Mexico City ... in bed

We were all scheduled to fly out of Mexico City early in the Semana Santa week. What better way to pass the weekend than to spend a few days in D.F., we figured. We left Saturday morning, loaded down with our luggage for our two-week break.

I've been having some anemia problems lately, but frequent iron and b12 popping seemed to be helping. As we neared Mexico City, though, I felt steadily worse. We checked into a hostel and lugged our suitcases to our dorm room before heading out to get food. I was sure the food would solve my problems, but after eating, I only felt worse.

After lunch, we went straight to Bellas Artes, a large art museum. I walked through a couple of rooms before the floor started rising up around me and my vision turned to tunnels. Really not wanting the attention that would come from fainting in a crowded art museum, I murmured quickly, "I'm going to faint," rushed to a bench, and lay down. Security wasn't too pleased with me stretching out on their bench, but my roommate pleaded my cause.

We stayed at the museum for a while while I rested. Kristen and Kay offered to get a taxi, but I said I could make it the three blocks to the hostel. Once outside, though, I started sinking into black again. I leaned against a statue, and the next thing I knew, Kristen and Kay were helping me into a cab and directing a confused driver to drive three blocks down the road.

I spent the rest of the day sleeping and the rest of the weekend doing activities that required little exertion. Good Mexico City trip, eh?