Friday, March 11, 2011

Baby girl

This is my little girl. Today she turns six.

Three years ago I didn't know she existed. Two years ago I watched her open gifts from the foster care agency. A year ago she had forgotten how to smile. And today she turns six.

This girl is the bravest, most beautiful, most forgiving person I know. They say that children are resilient, and they are right, but that doesn't make Caitlin any less incredible to me.

Caitlin is gorgeous. With the best smile that crinkles her nose just right.

She can't wait for her four big sisters to be married and have babies. We tell her she'd better be patient.

She wants her toenails painted, her lips shiny with lip gloss, and purple eyeshadow covering her eyes. She'd really love to have a boyfriend right now.

She believes in fairy tales and princesses.

When I see her she jumps in my arms. I wonder how she's still so great at loving.

If I have any say in the matter, I'm gonna lock her up between the ages of 14 and 17. Lock her up in a high, high tower. That always goes well, right?

Happy Birthday, Baby Girl!


Girl Who Dreams said...

I can't believe she's six. What a big girl! I love her so.

kristen said...

that's awsome! i hope i can meet her someday. Happy birthday to your lucky lucky sister!