Friday, October 30, 2009

Pippi Longstocking is coming into your town

I'm no good at Halloween costumes. Last year, in dire need of a last-minute costume, I flipped through my sister's 20th century history book and landed on the Titanic. This year, I spent even less time on a costume. Coworkers asked me for weeks in advance what I was going to be, to which I answered "I don't know" up until Thursday night.

Jessica left early on Friday morning. Perhaps Thursday should have been spent preparing for the all-day Halloween party at school the next morning, but we chose to spend it differently. We got tortas after school, went to a Bible study in the evening, and went salsa dancing in Cholula late at night. In the taxi on the way home, a friend suggested a costume that wouldn't require more energy than I had to give at 2 a.m.: I was Pippi Longstocking for the day.


Kylee said...

SO cute!!! love, love, love it!

Jordan said...

Love it! How's the salsa dancing going? You like it?

Jenny said...

HAHAHA awesome.

i love the tiger biting car incident picture, too!

miss you!