Sunday, August 31, 2008

Lessons from week 1

One week down.

This week defied many of my expectations and fears by being an absolutely wonderful week. Granted, I am very grateful for this three-day weekend, but who isn't? Here are a few things I've learned:

-Entertaining and engaging lessons are essential in convincing my more reluctant learners to participate.
-Competition is a valuable tool for classroom-management.
-Paper cuts are near daily occurrences.
-Cheap heals result in throbbing feet at the end of the day.
-Parents will forgive almost anything if they like you.
-What cannot be completed in an hour of classroom time can easily be done and turned-in during ten minutes of P.E.
-Nothing -- not even parent-conferences or phone calls to Spanish-only homes -- is as scary as it seems.
-The planning is annoying, and the hours are long, but it is all forgotten when the first little boy walks into my classroom each morning, greets me with "buenos días," and starts sharpening my pencils.

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